Indelible Memory: Yoga in Nicaragua


We woke early one morning at Nekupe, the new Nicaraguan resort, to enjoy a private yoga class on the shaded deck next to our villa. As we stretched, the soft drizzle cleared and beams of sun illuminated the green slopes leading up to the broad volcanic cone of Mombacho. The rain had washed the air of any dust, the forest and pastures below us glowed golden green and I experienced the rare feeling that the whole world was fresh. At one point, we arose from our downward-dog pose to discover that a rainbow had formed, arcing above mist-shrouded treetops. We quietly watched the rainbow shimmer for a few minutes over the verdant landscape. When we returned to our yoga practice, the sun salutations were exceptionally heartfelt.

By Hideaway Report Editor Hideaway Report editors travel the world anonymously to give you the unvarnished truth about luxury hotels. Hotels have no idea who the editors are, so they are treated exactly as you might be.