Q&A: Australia Travel Tips


In addition to our suggestions for what to do in Australia, we asked our expert travel advisor Linda Petrasek for the inside scoop on planning a trip to Australia.

Q: What should new visitors know about traveling to Australia?

A: Australia is approximately the size of the continental U.S., and vast distances between cities and tourist regions exist. Unless your budget includes a private jet, plan on taking scheduled flights between most destinations — one client took 14 during a recent visit!

Q: When is the best time to visit Australia?

A: The time of year in which you plan on visiting Australia will influence where you should go. Most travelers are interested in booking from November through March, looking to escape the winter of the Northern Hemisphere when it is Australia’s summer. The tropical and desert climates in the north of the continent may become uncomfortably hot however, and monsoons may batter the northern coast. For these reasons, it is typically suggested to stick to the southern reaches of the continent during the Australian summer, and the north during its winter, when temperatures are still relatively warm. Sydney and the eastern coast remain temperate year-round.

— Linda Petrasek, Andrew Harper Travel Advisor

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This article is an excerpt from the July, August, September 2016 edition of Traveler magazine. Click here to access the full issue.
By Hideaway Report Staff

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