Great Gelato in Florence


Best Gelato in FlorenceIf, like me, you have a weakness for ice cream, you must also love Italian gelato. (Gelato has less butterfat and a higher density than ice cream; it is also served at a slightly warmer temperature, so it melts in your mouth more readily.) I look forward to this indulgence every time I travel to Italy and succumb to it more than I should.

In Florence, I have long favored Caffè Mario, right by Santa Croce. On this latest trip, however, I was delighted to find a gelateria just steps from the Piazza della Signoria. Open since 1939, Perchè no! (“Why not!”) makes its products fresh every morning from natural ingredients. While the fruit flavors are delicious, I could not resist “Nocciolosa,” an ambrosial blend of hazelnut and chocolate. Just the thing after a rugged morning of sightseeing!

Via dei Tavolini 19R. Tel. (39) 055-239-8969.

By Hideaway Report Editor Hideaway Report editors travel the world anonymously to give you the unvarnished truth about luxury hotels. Hotels have no idea who the editors are, so they are treated exactly as you might be.

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