Quito Art Excursion


The home and studio of Oswaldo Guayasamín, whom many consider to be Ecuador’s greatest painter, still stands on its privileged hillside perch overlooking Quito, almost exactly as it was when the artist lived there from 1979 to 1999. Inside his white, Mediterranean-style mansion, Guayasamín assembled an impressive collection of art that includes masterpieces of pre-colonial pottery and Quito School (Catholic) paintings and sculptures, plus minor works by major artists such as Chagall and Picasso. Additionally, his collection of nude paintings and erotic Incan statuary is tucked away safely in his bedroom.

Guayasamín’s sculpture “Patria Joven” outside of La Capilla del Hombre
Guayasamín’s sculpture “Patria Joven” outside of La Capilla del Hombre - Photo by Hideaway Report editor

We viewed works by Guayasamín himself in La Capilla del Hombre, an immense purpose-built gallery, and in his studio just up the hill, where we watched a fascinating film of the artist painting a portrait of his friend. Many of the paintings, such as the skeletal “Anguish” and several monumental “Guernica”-inspired murals, reflect Guayasamín’s dim views of society. But others, such as the cheerful “Quito Azul” landscape and the movingly tender “Maternidad,” offer glimmers of hope.

Casa Museo Guayasamin
Mariano Calvache E18-94. Tel. (593) 2-244-6455

By Hideaway Report Editor Hideaway Report editors travel the world anonymously to give you the unvarnished truth about luxury hotels. Hotels have no idea who the editors are, so they are treated exactly as you might be.

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