Meet Travel Advisor Melissa Roche


Melissa Roche started traveling when she was 16 and never stopped. In studying international studies and political science in college, her worldview expanded to include the rest of the world, which is fitting for her current role at Andrew Harper. She has visited over 30 countries and can’t wait to use her experience to help clients plan their best adventure. “I love putting together the puzzle of the perfect trip!” Just don’t ask her to pick a favorite destination. “I’ve climbed pyramids in Egypt, tasted wine in Tuscany, floated in the Dead Sea and zip-lined in Costa Rica. I love seeing what the world has to offer and am grateful for every opportunity!”

Three words that describe you:
Adventurous, open-minded, dedicated.

Leisure-time pursuits:
I love to travel as much as possible, watch movies and hang out with friends.

Area of the world you specialize in:
I’m on the “Rest of the World” team, but also book Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Italy.

Most unexpected thing you’ve ever discovered on a trip:
How quickly I have connected with a city or fellow travelers; there’s always a connection somewhere!

Country you’d most like to visit:
Argentina; I haven’t done South America yet, and Argentina seems like a great gateway.

If you had to live in a hotel forever, which one would it be:
qualia, Great Barrier Reef

Most out-of-the-way place you’ve ever found yourself in:
A couple of years ago, I was traveling with friends in the Middle East and we ended up in Bahrain for a couple of nights.

Dream travel buddy:
Samantha Brown, a host on the Travel Channel, or perhaps Andy Samberg — he’d be a ton of fun!

What makes you a smart traveler:
Trial and error. I learn from my mistakes!

Natural wonder you can’t wait to see:
Zhangye Danxia Geopark, known as the Rainbow Mountains, in China.

Most breathtaking scenery you've ever witnessed:
Murchison Falls Safari Park, in Uganda, or Tuscany — all of it.

You wish you would have traveled here sooner:
Southeast Asia. I went the first time in April, and I can’t wait to go back.

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By Hideaway Report Staff

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