News From Bhutan's Amankora


Amankora, Amankora

All of Andrew Harper's recommended properties in the developing world distinguish themselves with philanthropic work, but we've just heard of a particularly notable project that involves an adventurous young Norwegian woman, an icy trek in the Himalayas and several hundred pounds of warm children's clothing. Many isolated villages in the mountain kingdom of Bhutan struggle with a high mortality rate for children under 5 because of the common cold and pneumonia. Next month, Amankora Punakha lodge Manager Torunn Tronsvang will make a 25-day high-altitude trek to the northern portion of the country to deliver warm clothing to children in 15 to 20 remote villages. Tronsvang leaves on May 20 for her "Snowman Trek," and should you be interested in supporting her efforts (including sponsoring a yak!), you can find details here. For more updates on the project, Amankora's Facebook page can be found here.

By Hideaway Report Editor Hideaway Report editors travel the world anonymously to give you the unvarnished truth about luxury hotels. Hotels have no idea who the editors are, so they are treated exactly as you might be.

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