6 Local Caribbean Foods to Savor


Try one of these six local dishes on your next trip to the Caribbean.

1. Antigua Black Pineapple

Known simply as Antigua Black, it’s arguably the world’s sweetest pineapple. But don’t expect a darker-hued fruit; the flesh of this pineapple is still golden in color.

2. Goat Water

This hearty Antiguan goat stew seasoned with clove and cinnamon is a local favorite.

3. Anegada Lobster

These delicately sweet crustaceans fill the waters surrounding the island of Anegada in the British Virgin Islands, and are caught and delivered daily to restaurants and resorts throughout the BVI.

Dishes made with pigeon peas and rice are staples in Anguilla and other Caribbean locales, where the legumes are easily cultivated.
Dishes made with pigeon peas and rice are staples in Anguilla and other Caribbean locales, where the legumes are easily cultivated.

4. Conch

Considered a local delicacy, conch is the seafood of choice in Turks & Caicos, which is home to the world’s only conch farm. Its rich island history makes it a must-try food.

5. Cou-Cou and Flying Fish

Barbados’ national dish, composed of corn meal (cooked to a polenta-like consistency), okra, flying fish and an aromatic tomato sauce.

6. Pigeon Peas and Rice

Anguilla’s national dish, this simple meal combines pigeon peas (similar to black-eyed peas), rice, butter, spices, lime juice and a dash of hot sauce.

Click here to read even more exclusive Caribbean content from the Traveler magazine.

By Hideaway Report Staff

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