Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Nevada. These novel states lie in the incomparable American Southwest. Adobe architecture, red sands and wide-open plains set the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable trip. Spas, golfing, hiking, and horseback-riding are just some of the signature activities from this warm, beautiful region.
Join Andrew Harper and Afar as we discuss what makes travel to the American Southwest unique in a Twitter chat this Friday.
Click here to follow the #BestoftheSW Twitter chat this Friday, May 16, at 1 p.m. CDT.
Love to tweet? Share your own American Southwest insights, photos and memories throughout the week using the hashtag #BestoftheSW.
Have a specific question you’d like to ask about travel in the American Southwest? Tweet your questions and topics to @HarperTravel!
A Twitter chat is a live public conversation about a particular topic at a designated time using Twitter as the platform for communication. A specific hashtag (#BestoftheSW) is used to tag every question and comment so that the conversation can be easily followed. To participate in a Twitter chat, follow the designated hashtag (#BestoftheSW) here. Questions will be posed from the Andrew Harper Twitter account, @HarperTravel.
To participate in a Twitter chat, follow the designated hashtag (#BestoftheSW) here. As the host, Andrew Harper will pose questions about the topic. Participants will answer questions posed by Andrew Harper. Posting additional on-topic images or facts is highly encouraged. Feel free to engage with other participants, as well – ask questions or respond to questions or comments by @mentioning their Twitter username; retweet or favorite comments that resonate with you.