
Worldwide /  Europe /  Scandinavia /  Denmark /  Zealand
in Zealand

Destination Information

Zealand is the most populated island in Denmark and the location of the country’s capital, Copenhagen. Bounded by the Kattegat and the Baltic Sea, it is connected to Funen, which in turn is joined by bridges to Jutland, the country’s largest landmass. North Zealand, a popular weekend destination for Copenhageners, has a relaxed, rustic appeal similar to that of the North Fork of Long Island. Along the coast road, there are numerous picturesque fishing ports and villages. The charming little seaside town of Gilleleje was a favorite watering hole of philosopher Søren Kierkegaard; Skagen provided inspiration to a 19th century school of Danish Impressionist painters. Inland, there are beautiful hikes and famous castles to tour. A 30-minute drive from Gilleleje is the impressive Kronborg Castle, declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2000. Also worth a visit is the palatial 17th-century Frederiksborg Castle, the largest Renaissance fortress in Scandinavia, which now houses The Museum of National History.