The Principal
Ideally located at the edge of the bustling Chueca district, which features unique boutiques and reminds one of hip enclaves in New York and Los Angeles.
Spain is an exhilarating place in which to travel. Today a high-speed rail line links Madrid and Barcelona in fewer than three hours, while the 190-mph AVE express takes just two and a half hours from Madrid’s Atocha station to the Andalusian city of Seville. Although much of the Spanish coastline is overbuilt, the interior is largely unspoiled. A new generation of chefs has revolutionized Spanish cuisine, and the country can now boast a galaxy of Michelin stars, notably in the northwestern Basque region.
Spain has three main climatic zones: north, central and Mediterranean. Galicia, in the coastal northwest, receives abundant rainfall; Madrid typifies the high central plateau; Seville is 10 to 15 degrees warmer than Madrid, with August being unpleasantly hot; the Mediterranean region of the Costa del Sol is exemplified by Almería.
Six hours ahead of New York (EST).
Euro (€). Fluctuating rate valued at €1.00 = US$1.14 as of February 2019.
Madrid, Tel. (34) 91-587-2200. Consulate: Barcelona, Tel. (34) 93-280-2227.
To phone hotels and restaurants in Spain, dial 011 (international access) + 34 (Spain code) + city code and local numbers in listings.
Passport (valid for six months beyond end of stay). Visit, and for travelers’ health information,