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in Slovakia

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Destination Information

A relatively small nation of about 5.5 million, Slovakia sits at the geographic center of Europe, bordered by the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary and Austria. It is primarily mountainous, with a strong rural tradition. The magnificent Tatra Mountains in the north, dotted with small villages, picturesque lakes and scenic valleys, contain more than two dozen peaks over 8,200 feet. In the southwest, straddling the Danube River, is Bratislava, the capital, its medieval castles and cathedrals presenting a stark visual contrast with Soviet-era concrete-box apartments. Surrounding its main square are Renaissance, baroque and art nouveau architecture. The nearby countryside is studded with hilltop castles and historic towns. 

Direct Dial Codes

To phone hotels and restaurants in Slovakia, dial 011 (international access) + 421 (Slovakia code) + city code and local numbers in listings.


Six hours ahead of New York (EST).


Koruna (SKK). Fluctuating rate valued at SKK22.24 = US$1.00 as of October 2015. Bratislava hotels quote rates in euros (€); €1.00 = US$1.13 as of October 2015. 

U.S. Embassy

Bratislava, Tel. 2-5443-0861.

Entry Requirements

Passport (valid for three months beyond end of stay). Visit, and for travelers’ health information,

Modrá Hviezda
Bratislava - Staré